If I was going to title this week it would be, "Curfews, Cleaning, and being fed till I thought I was going to explode."
Wow! Yeah, it has definitely been flooding! Haha! I was dying to go out and see it actually! The okie in my was super chill though. #stormchaser
Monday, December 31, 2018
Monday, December 24, 2018
Monday, December 17, 2018
Emma's Chicken Gizzards
My pal Sis Edna has a baptism date now! She's been coming to church and she knows it's true. She even invited us to teach one of her neighbors, then when her neighbor wouldn't go to church she walked over to her house and tried to convince her. She is so sassy, you would love her. It has been truly amazing watching her countenance change as she has accepted truth, she has to take a huge leap of faith. I am so excited for her!
Monday, December 10, 2018
I Got The Package!
I GOT THE PACKAGE!!!! the one where she shopped for you! My excitement was through the roof! Hallelujah for Cheez-its. This may sound funny, but the thing I was most happy about were the letters. I loved Lulu's picture, I did notice however that she drew us the same height. Haha! It brightened my day, and week. Thank you dearly, I know you guys are busy.
Monday, December 3, 2018
The Beach
Hey mama!
The pictures are very cute! There is a 99% chance I will get the box tomorrow, because we have a meeting for all the trainers in Legazpi, I am SO excited! Please don't sweat it when they take a long time, I understand. :)
The pictures are very cute! There is a 99% chance I will get the box tomorrow, because we have a meeting for all the trainers in Legazpi, I am SO excited! Please don't sweat it when they take a long time, I understand. :)
Monday, November 26, 2018
Monday, November 19, 2018
Exciting Story
I have an exciting story.
I was tracting way out in Santa Remedios, when we came across an extremely old woman with Willie Nelson braids. We started talking to her, and she agreed to listen to our message. We shared a short restoration overview, and talked with her. She told us about all the blessings miracles she's received in her life. Then Nanay (that's her name) showed us around her backyard, which had tons of orchids,
Monday, November 12, 2018
Pictures for the Week
Me at an investigator's house. This is her husband's rice farm. Can you tell they love rice here? You can also tell Mary that there is a disappointing lack of rice hats!
Monday, November 5, 2018
I'm Training
Wow it's been an exciting week!
I'm not sure if
sister Kotter has sent you any pictures yet, but the sister I'm training
is amazing! She is from Mindanao, where they just announced that new
temple. :) She is 23, an only child, and usually from the city, but
excited to be out here in the rice fields. It has been amazing to work
with her, sometimes I think she teaches me more than I teach her to be
honest. She is so kind, and super funny! Oh my goodness, she always has
something funny to say. She bears powerful and pure testimony of our
Savior Jesus Christ. She is a native bisaya
speaker, which is pretty much cebuano. She has to think about it more,
but she speaks Tagalog too. Her english is also great, even though she
doesn't really think so.
Monday, October 29, 2018
Puppy News & Becoming a Trainer
Okay, I'm so shook! Wow!!! I'm so glad he loves you so much! Is he already potty trained? He is ridiculously cute! I just wanna snuggle him! <3
Everything is good! I completed my training, only to find out Heavenly Father needs me to train. Usually you get someone who follows you up, for the transfer after your training......but nope, not me. I will meet her Wednesday, I am both excited out of my mind and terrified! I know that Heavenly Father will give me whatever strength/gifts I need, to lead our area and train this new sister.
I am good! I sent a postcard to your address for Spencer and another for Drake, I know they don't live with you, but could you please get them to them. I want them to know I want them to know they have been on my mind during their birthdays. I also am send a postcard every week for you guys. Also, the package you sent for my companion for christmas, will go to my trainee. So thats cool. :)
All is well I love you guys so much! I don't have any pictures. :( Sorry po.
Sister Dugger
Okay, I'm so shook! Wow!!! I'm so glad he loves you so much! Is he already potty trained? He is ridiculously cute! I just wanna snuggle him! <3
Everything is good! I completed my training, only to find out Heavenly Father needs me to train. Usually you get someone who follows you up, for the transfer after your training......but nope, not me. I will meet her Wednesday, I am both excited out of my mind and terrified! I know that Heavenly Father will give me whatever strength/gifts I need, to lead our area and train this new sister.
I am good! I sent a postcard to your address for Spencer and another for Drake, I know they don't live with you, but could you please get them to them. I want them to know I want them to know they have been on my mind during their birthdays. I also am send a postcard every week for you guys. Also, the package you sent for my companion for christmas, will go to my trainee. So thats cool. :)
All is well I love you guys so much! I don't have any pictures. :( Sorry po.
Sister Dugger
Monday, October 22, 2018
P-day & District Activity
Emma has not had the time to make a mass email lately, as the internet is not so great where she is and she only has an hour at the internet cafe. She asked me to let you all know she doesn't have time right now to send mass emails. I will include pictures and upload the parts of her emails that are not family specific. Thank you all for your encouragement that you send to her. She mentioned in her last email that mail is starting to get through, so if anyone wants to send a regular letter, she would love to hear from you. Her address is here on the blog, in the side column. Please remember to not send ANY currency to her. ~April
Hey Fam,
P-day.......sometimes. There isn't a ton of interesting stuff in my area honestly, so not really. We got halo-halo one week! It was delicious, I got a picture but my camera got wiped...almost everything got backed up, but not that. :(
I honestly just like cleaning, shopping, and chillin on P-day, sometimes we'll ukay-ukay, but nothing super exciting.
Hey Fam,
P-day.......sometimes. There isn't a ton of interesting stuff in my area honestly, so not really. We got halo-halo one week! It was delicious, I got a picture but my camera got wiped...almost everything got backed up, but not that. :(
I honestly just like cleaning, shopping, and chillin on P-day, sometimes we'll ukay-ukay, but nothing super exciting.
Monday, October 8, 2018
We are at a different computer shop today, and everything works! Hallelujah! :) I will be able to send pics! YAY!
I love you guys like crazy! Keep being amazing and faithful. <3
We had a missionary fireside on Saturday with the branch, it was super fun! We just talked about the importance of member missionary work with the Elders. It went really well! I had this idea beforehand, for a way for them to act on our message, we started a hashtag. #comeandsee and then a question. We made little posters, and then took pictures for the members to post. I was worried they wouldn't be into it, but it was super fun! I know Heavenly Father knows how to help the members even when I don't. I truly believe that when we do our best, He makes up the difference. :)
We are at a different computer shop today, and everything works! Hallelujah! :) I will be able to send pics! YAY!
I love you guys like crazy! Keep being amazing and faithful. <3
We had a missionary fireside on Saturday with the branch, it was super fun! We just talked about the importance of member missionary work with the Elders. It went really well! I had this idea beforehand, for a way for them to act on our message, we started a hashtag. #comeandsee and then a question. We made little posters, and then took pictures for the members to post. I was worried they wouldn't be into it, but it was super fun! I know Heavenly Father knows how to help the members even when I don't. I truly believe that when we do our best, He makes up the difference. :)
Monday, October 1, 2018
Still Good!
I still can't get these stinkin computers to read my flashdrive, so good times. I am SO glad Lulu had a good birthday! I am doing well. I had my first baptism last week. :) Heavenly Father really does prepare peoples hearts for our message. I have pics from the baptism, and I'll try to send them next week. <3
Just know I love you and I'm happy over here. :)
All is well!
Sister Dugger
Just know I love you and I'm happy over here. :)
All is well!
Sister Dugger
Monday, September 17, 2018
Typhoons, Fish Eyes, & Transfers
Hello po!
I am extremely short of time so bear with me.
1. I am still alive. The typhoon was chill, it was only a category one in our area. Just a lot of rain. I was a little disappointed cause I love severe weather.
2. All of the Filipinos I've asked say that fish eyes are the best part of the fish. They aren't bad, but I wouldn't say they're the best part exactly. I have a video, but the computer shop we're at won't read my flash drive (bastos). I'll share next week.
I am extremely short of time so bear with me.
1. I am still alive. The typhoon was chill, it was only a category one in our area. Just a lot of rain. I was a little disappointed cause I love severe weather.
2. All of the Filipinos I've asked say that fish eyes are the best part of the fish. They aren't bad, but I wouldn't say they're the best part exactly. I have a video, but the computer shop we're at won't read my flash drive (bastos). I'll share next week.
Monday, September 10, 2018
Gugumba...but good times
I found out this week I only have and hour for emails. Sorry if this is super short.
Gugumba story
There was a spider (gugumba) as big as my hand in our bathroom in our apartment...good times. Spiders don't usually bother me, but this one super did. He lived in there for about three days, and then disappeared mysteriously. I called him "Terrible Todd" and "Masama Marvin." It was pretty stressful, not gonna lie.
I found out this week I only have and hour for emails. Sorry if this is super short.
Gugumba story
There was a spider (gugumba) as big as my hand in our bathroom in our apartment...good times. Spiders don't usually bother me, but this one super did. He lived in there for about three days, and then disappeared mysteriously. I called him "Terrible Todd" and "Masama Marvin." It was pretty stressful, not gonna lie.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Sopas, Prayers, Good Times!
Hello Everyone!
I don't actually have a ton to say this week, I just do missionary work everyday. I teach lessons, I study, I try to learn Tagalog. It's pretty chill. I learned how to make sopas, which is a creamy soup that has noodles in it. It's pretty good! I was on splits, so that isn't my kitchen. I got to be with a different sister for the day, it was fun. It rained like crazy this week!
Story time!
I don't actually have a ton to say this week, I just do missionary work everyday. I teach lessons, I study, I try to learn Tagalog. It's pretty chill. I learned how to make sopas, which is a creamy soup that has noodles in it. It's pretty good! I was on splits, so that isn't my kitchen. I got to be with a different sister for the day, it was fun. It rained like crazy this week!
Story time!
Monday, August 27, 2018
Culture, Buko Juice, and Hope :)
Hello all!
I had a really great week! I'm sorry I missed you last week, I was typing slow. Oops.
Cultural stuff
1. Filipinos raise their eyebrows instead of saying yes. I am getting used to it, but it used to confuse me.
2. Filipinos point with their lips. They'll say, "over there," and then pucker in that direction.
I had a really great week! I'm sorry I missed you last week, I was typing slow. Oops.
Cultural stuff
1. Filipinos raise their eyebrows instead of saying yes. I am getting used to it, but it used to confuse me.
2. Filipinos point with their lips. They'll say, "over there," and then pucker in that direction.
Monday, August 20, 2018
Pictures...No Time for Mass Email
Most of these pictures were taken at our house, because I'm not supposed to look like a tourist. Also, I sweat SO MUCH, that I've decided to not wear make-up for another 16 months. It's honestly great! Also, I ride exclusively in Triceys. It's a motorcycle with a side car. You pay the guy and ride in the side car. It's fun! No one really owns cars here, just motorcycles and bikes.
Santol~ A strange fruit you don't really eat. You just suck on the seeds. |
Monday, August 13, 2018
Rats, Rice, and Really Nice People
Hello all!
The Philippines is the best ever! I am serving in Bulan, with Sister Estacio. She is native here, and she is amazing! She is also very patient, which is wonderful. <3
My last day at the Manila MTC I tried to eat Balut. I was so excited, because I'm trying to really embrace Filipino culture. I will include a picture. I attempted to drink the juice...but gagged 3 times. I finally took a bite of someone else's and gagged twice. It was pretty traumatic. Other than that, I've loved everything I've tried here. I also legitimately eat rice for every meal. It's not too bad though, usually we eat veggies or fish with it. We also eat what sort of looks like collard greens, and it's good too.
The Philippines is the best ever! I am serving in Bulan, with Sister Estacio. She is native here, and she is amazing! She is also very patient, which is wonderful. <3
My last day at the Manila MTC I tried to eat Balut. I was so excited, because I'm trying to really embrace Filipino culture. I will include a picture. I attempted to drink the juice...but gagged 3 times. I finally took a bite of someone else's and gagged twice. It was pretty traumatic. Other than that, I've loved everything I've tried here. I also legitimately eat rice for every meal. It's not too bad though, usually we eat veggies or fish with it. We also eat what sort of looks like collard greens, and it's good too.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
I made it to Legazpi. This is the most beautiful place I've ever been. It's like being in the jungle! I feel so blessed to be on this adventure. I know that Heavenly Father lives. The Filipinos are amazing! They are so kind and nonjudgemental. I am currently at the mission home and just want you to know I made it safe.
![]() |
With President and Sister Kotter |
Monday, August 6, 2018
Finally in the Philippines
Hey Everyone!
This has been my first week in the Philippines and I love it! The Philippines is 100% different than America. I would also like everyone to know that I survived the flight here. I slept roughly 12 hours on the plane. The jet lag was awful the first day, but after that I've been fine. The first night here, they sent us all to bed at 7 and we slept till 6 am! It was insane, I've never slept that much in my life! Anyway, the jet lad is worth it.
This has been my first week in the Philippines and I love it! The Philippines is 100% different than America. I would also like everyone to know that I survived the flight here. I slept roughly 12 hours on the plane. The jet lag was awful the first day, but after that I've been fine. The first night here, they sent us all to bed at 7 and we slept till 6 am! It was insane, I've never slept that much in my life! Anyway, the jet lad is worth it.
Friday, July 27, 2018
Last Week
Hello all!
This is my last week at the MTC, I fly out on Wednesday! It's crazy how time goes by so fast, but so slow at the same time. That probably doesn't make sense, but it's totoo. It feels crazy that I'm actually going to leave, I sort of feel like I did when I first left for my mission. Like I'm not quite ready, but I'm still excited. Also, I have a SUPER long flight and an 8 hour layover, so if anyone has any advice I would love to hear it. I will probably be bored either way, but I would love to hear any creative ideas so I don't lose my mind. :)
This is my last week at the MTC, I fly out on Wednesday! It's crazy how time goes by so fast, but so slow at the same time. That probably doesn't make sense, but it's totoo. It feels crazy that I'm actually going to leave, I sort of feel like I did when I first left for my mission. Like I'm not quite ready, but I'm still excited. Also, I have a SUPER long flight and an 8 hour layover, so if anyone has any advice I would love to hear it. I will probably be bored either way, but I would love to hear any creative ideas so I don't lose my mind. :)
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