Monday, August 27, 2018

Culture, Buko Juice, and Hope :)

Hello all!

I had a really great week!  I'm sorry I missed you last week, I was typing slow. Oops.

Cultural stuff

1. Filipinos raise their eyebrows instead of saying yes. I am getting used to it, but it used to confuse me.

2. Filipinos point with their lips. They'll say, "over there," and then pucker in that direction.

3. They are the nicest and most inviting people I've ever met.  They also never use sarcasm or "roast" each other.  They joke around for sure!  But they don't say things that are hurtful as a joke. I love that about them.  I hope that while I'm here I develop that.

New food!

I am addicted to Buko juice, which is coconut milk...I think.  It is so sweet and it has shavings of coconut in it.  If you mix it with Milo powder, it becomes Buko-Chocolata.  Yes, I came up with that snappy name.  I am also very proud of it. :)

On the 25th, (my Mom's birthday) I ate a strange little shellfish, called suso.  A member gave some to us to take home, and we heated it up for dinner.  The suso was cooked in coconut milk.  Suso lives in a shell about the size of the top half of my thumb.  You have to suck it out of the shell and it looks exactly like boogers. Legitimately, it's bright green.  The texture is pretty much the same as how it looks, but it just tasted like coconut milk.  It wasn't that bad, but I wasn't going to eat another either.  My companion at like 20. Haha!  I am determined to try everything, even if it's gross.

Anyway, spiritual stuff.

I have been thinking a lot about Christlike attributes.  The one I have been studying is hope.  I love this scripture Ether 12:4 in the Book of Mormon.  I learned that hope, faith, and diligence go hand in hand.  Often times we have to act before we can receive.  We have to do what we know is right and have hope the blessings promised with come in the future.  When we choose the right we can always hope for a brighter future.

I  love this country and all is well!  I am grateful for you guys and the amazing people you are!  Have a good week!

Sister Dugger