Monday, September 3, 2018

Sopas, Prayers, Good Times!

Hello Everyone!

I don't actually have a ton to say this week, I just do missionary work everyday.  I teach lessons, I study, I try to learn Tagalog.  It's pretty chill.  I learned how to make sopas, which is a creamy soup that has noodles in it. It's pretty good!  I was on splits, so that isn't my kitchen. I got to be with a different sister for the day, it was fun. It rained like crazy this week!

Story time!

My kasama and I talked to this gentleman named Rey on the street. We shared a quick 30 second lesson with him. After, we asked if we could come teach his family sometime, he said yes and we've been teaching him and his wife, Erma.  They have the cutest little boy named Tyler!  Anyway, we taught them how to pray and we teach them a couple times a week.  We asked brother Rey how his praying was going and he told us God answered his prayer.  He said, "I haven't been able to find a job and I was going mohave to take my wife to Manila to find work. We would have to leave Tyler here  in Bulan with my parents. I prayed your way, I asked Heavenly Father for a job and now I have one. We don't have to leave Bulan."  He means unrecited prayers, when he says our way.

I know Heavenly Father is waiting to bless us, there are countless promised blessings for those who pray. I know that God hears our prayers. I know he cares about our temporal and spiritual well being.

Have a good week everybody!

Sister Dugger

Learning to make sopa, wearing another sister's dress because she got soaked from the rain. This is while she was on splits, which means she and her companion split up and went with other sisters for the day. So this is the apartment of a different set of sister missionaries.

Brother Rey and Family