Monday, September 10, 2018

Gugumba...but good times


I found out this week I only have and hour for emails. Sorry if this is super short.

Gugumba story

There was a spider (gugumba) as big as my hand in our bathroom in our apartment...good times.  Spiders don't usually bother me, but this one super did.  He lived in there for about three days, and then disappeared mysteriously.  I called him "Terrible Todd" and "Masama Marvin." It was pretty stressful, not gonna lie.

The work is good, we are teaching some really amazing people!

Sister Estacio and I's three word slogan is, "fire of faith." We made it up at this conference we had.  Because, I know that without faith, we have nothing. Faith gives us the strength we need to do hard things.

Have a good week guys!

Sister Dugger

Fire of Faith

Branch Activity