Monday, August 20, 2018

Pictures...No Time for Mass Email

Most of these pictures were taken at our house, because I'm not supposed to look like a tourist. Also, I sweat SO MUCH, that I've decided to not wear make-up for another 16 months. It's honestly great!  Also, I ride exclusively in Triceys. It's a motorcycle with a side car. You pay the guy and ride in the side car. It's fun!  No one really owns cars here, just motorcycles and bikes.

Santol~ A strange fruit you don't really eat. You just suck on the seeds.

Breakfast ~ Scrambled eggs with ampalaya mixed in.  Burnt rice that we make drinks out of. 

Some fishes thawing. We eat fish all the time. It's good, you just have to watch out for bones.

Laundry Time

The thing I'm doing with my hand means guano or magunda. I'ts a weird joke thing. The  Edlers do it all the time and little kids do it in pictures, too.

Jolibee...It's like Filipino McDonald's and it's so good! I had pineapple juice with it!