Monday, August 13, 2018

Rats, Rice, and Really Nice People

Hello all!

The Philippines is the best ever!  I am serving in Bulan, with Sister Estacio.  She is native here, and she is amazing!  She is also very patient, which is wonderful. <3


My last day at the Manila MTC I tried to eat Balut.  I was so excited, because I'm trying to really embrace Filipino culture.  I will include a picture. I attempted to drink the juice...but gagged 3 times. I finally took a bite of someone else's and gagged twice. It was pretty traumatic.  Other than that, I've loved everything I've tried here.  I also legitimately eat rice for every meal. It's not too bad though, usually we eat veggies or fish with it.  We also eat what sort of looks like collard greens, and it's good too.

There are stray cats and dogs everywhere here.  They are super gross, and we're not allowed to touch them because they can 100% give you rabies or flees.  Gross.

I've never seen a rat before now, but they're here and huge.  Sometimes I think they're kittens, but they don't mess with me and they aren't in my house.

Everyone acts like they've never seen and American before here!  They stare at me all the time.  The kids always yell, "Americano!"  I just smile and wave.  The little kids come shake our hands and give us hugs. It's wonderful!  Everyone is so kind to me, and patient with the fact that I don't understand anything yet.

Also, cultural fact.  People LOVE karaoke here!  It's hilarious!  I have a funny story to illustrate this, it goes like this.  We are teaching Sister Abigail in her awesome little hut thing.  I am smiling, and trying to understand what is going on, as my companion teaches.  I hear some karaoke outside, but it's at a decent volume so it doesn't distract the lesson.  towards the end of the lesson, Sister Estacio extends the commitment.  The karaoke gets louder, and I hear "my heart will go on," from Titanic.  Whoever is singing, cannot sing, and that combined with the Filipino accent is hilarious!  I keep my cool though.  Then, during the prayer, "Love song" by Taylor Swift begins, and I know I'm in for a treat.  Whoever is singing it, turns it up to full volume!  So they are yelling this song, in Filipino accent, during our prayer.  I bit my tongue so hard, trying not to laugh!  After we left, I lost it!  I was so funny!  Good times!  Taylor Swift would have been proud.

Spiritual moment.
I have had many spiritual moments here. My first day, we were teaching Sister L.  Sister L is awesome!  She comes to church, reads her scriptures, she is great.  Unfortunately, she struggles with cigarettes.  I listened to the lesson and I was more or less able to understand what was going on.  I felt impressed to share about someone I love dearly, who gave up smoking and drinking.  I told her that Heavenly Father loves her and he's proud of her efforts. I told her he would give her strength. I told her all this in very sketchy broken Tagalog. I was pretty sure nothing I said made sense. I looked up at her and asked if she understood.  She told me she understood me! I know she understood me, because Heavenly Father wanted her to know that he would help her.  I know I spoke the words He needed Sister L to hear. After that, Sister L said the prayer and she teared up because she felt the spirit.

I know Heavenly Father will help us through all of life's trials.  He doesn't always take them away, often times He doesn't, but will hold our hand and guide us. I know these things to be true, I felt them as I've adjusted here.

Have a good week everyone! Thank you for your prayers!

Sister Dugger


Sister Estacio and I

Our apartment

My planner.  Sister Estacio made me a cute one!