Monday, December 3, 2018

The Beach

Hey mama!

The pictures are very cute! There is a 99% chance I will get the box tomorrow, because we have a meeting for all the trainers in Legazpi, I am SO excited! Please don't sweat it when they take a long time, I understand. :)

Food.....hmmmm.... I don't think I ate anything  hated. Honestly I eat and like everything. The members love me because apparently in the past there have been American sisters, who won't eat their food. I eat it, and almost always love it. It's a tender mercy for sure. My favorite this week, I ate this ham and cheese fried rolled up thing, with banana ketchup, and it was amazing! I also love dynamite, which is a pepper with cheese inside, that is wrapped and fried like lumpia.

We went to the beach for district activity! It was so fun! I took some fun pictures I'm going to send. I am also gonna try to send the video from last week.

This new opportunity to teach the gospel and learn in the home is so exciting! Did you know the Savior also taught about it in 3rd Nephi? Its chapter 17 verses 1-3, you'll have to check it out, it's pretty cool.

Tender mercy! Our neighbor was listening to Whitney Houston at full volume the other day, it was both distracting and awesome. I was trying to study, but I might have sang along a little bit. Haha!

I am happy! I am working really hard to not stress out and over think everything, I just want to be a perfect missionary, and sometimes I get super stressed. I'm working on it though. :)

I don't know, we just keep working, and doing our best. I love this work. It is exhausting beyond all tired I've ever felt, but it is wonderful. I bore my testimony in Sacrament meeting yesterday, and I didn't get all scared and freaked out. I was pretty much able to say what I wanted, it felt amazing! I love these people here; the members are like family to me.

Anyway, all is well. Merry December!! :)
Get well soon

Sister Dugger

When you tell the members you like Puto Seko, and they buy you a ton! Haha!

The Beach!!!