Monday, December 17, 2018

Emma's Chicken Gizzards

My pal Sis Edna has a baptism date now! She's been coming to church and she knows it's true. She even invited us to teach one of her neighbors, then when her neighbor wouldn't go to church she walked over to her house and tried to convince her. She is so sassy, you would love her. It has been truly amazing watching her countenance change as she has accepted truth, she has to take a huge leap of faith. I am so excited for her!

I will receive the package you are talking about tomorrow, because we have Christmas conference! YAY!

Tender mercy! Sister Calianga is basically my Filipino twin, our relationship is very similar to my siblings and I. Sometimes we get distracted making double chin faces at each other, she makes me laugh so hard! She bring the Krandelyn out of me for sure, so it sort of feels like I'm with one of my siblings. :)

Best. Sister Edna accepting a baptism date.
Worst. We can't start sacrament meeting till the branch Pres shows up, and he was 30 min late. Our investigator just sat there, then when he showed up he was wearing socks with flip flops.......good times.

We are just pressing forward over here. There's no typhoon, but it's been raining like crazy. I love the rain. :)

Maligayang pasko!

Sister Dugger

This stinkin rooster who stands on our fence at 930am and 230pm everyday, and cock-a-doodle-doos until he decides he's done. I call him Bastos Bernie, cause he's a savage.