Monday, December 31, 2018

Curfews, Cleaning, & Being Fed Until I Thought I Was Going To Explode

If I was going to title this week it would be, "Curfews, Cleaning, and being fed till I thought I was going to explode."

Wow! Yeah, it has definitely been flooding! Haha! I was dying to go out and see it actually! The okie in my was super chill though. #stormchaser

Xmas eve: We worked from 2-5, everyone was busy with christmas stuff. Sister Calianga and I were gonna eat pizza and ice cream, but the pizza place didn't deliver, so we had an ice cream party like little teenaged girls. Haha! It was so fun! I opened my package!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also spent a solid hour and a half reading and re-reading, and showing my companion pictures of my family. It was so sweet, thank you dearly.

Xmas: People fed a us a lot both Xmas and Xmas eve. I have never been so full in my life. The people are so sweet here. :)

Wed: we worked like normal

Thursday: pretty much the same, but we went to the end of the branch Xmas party. I will include a video of the Elders quorum's performance. I will never be the same, it was pretty disturbing.....The food was amazing though!

Friday: Everything flooded, and we were stuck in our apartment and couldn't work.

Sat: Pretty same. Except the flood waters finally went down, and then we worked with some of the members and the Elders to clean church. Everything was covered in mud, and the hymnals are almost all soaked. The baptismal font was full, with what we're gonna say is chocolate milk. Haha! It was actually really fun. We spent the rest of the evening, going around the parts of our area that aren't flooded, and offering to help.

Sun: We helped people clean their houses.

It has been really amazing during this Christmas season to be able to serve others. It helps me to remember why we have Christmas. :) It's all because of John 3:16, I testify He is the source of all hope, joy, and light.

I am good :) Here's to a new year!

Sister Dugger

Sister Dugger with the lovely sister who messaged me to let me know she was safe after the flood.
Ice Cream Party featuring Sister Calianga!
One of our Christmas feasts at our neighbors house.
A beautiful sister and her gorgeous kids. They are really amazing!
Adorable kids at the Christmas party.
Flood waters...I'm guessing after they receded some, since she is outside?