Monday, January 21, 2019

Transfer News & Pictures

Wow. I made a video, but transfer news came in! The Lord still has a lot for me to do.

This was great week, our investigators and members are pretty shook that I'm leaving Bulan, even though I've been here for 4 transfers. Needless to say, I'm gonna miss these people a lot, I feels a little like I'm leaving home all over again. BUT I am out of my mind excited for my new area, I wanted to serve on one of the Islands SO bad!!!! YAY!!

-Sister Dugger
Our district, last pic before transfers.

This dog was on the edge of death, and my companion had to give it some water. She also bought some food for it. Yep, Sister Calianga loves dogs.

Year of the pig! Isn't He cute!? One of our investigators has him, just cause it's Chinese year of the pig. Haha

My hair curls now, maybe it's humidity and rain.