Monday, January 28, 2019

I Made It To Catanduanes!

Wow! So much has changed!

1. My companion is awesome! I love her, she's from Manila. :) She does speak English, but I try not to use English. She is an amazing cook, so I'm lucky. I also might get fat this transfer. Sayang. She is 25, and a really great example to me, I have already learned so much from her.

2. Our area is beautiful! Our apartment is also great, but there's some....rats. They don't really bother me, but my companion is ready to borrow one of the members cats. They are chill though, I just put my stuff where they can't get it. Fun fact Filipinos believe that if you say rat or daga, they will get angry and eat all your stuff, so we call him pogi (handsome). Haha

3. Travel. I took a bus at 630am to Legazpi, then from Legazpi to Tobacco another bus. Then I took a fast craft to Catanduanes, which was exciting. I was pretty chill, but about 10min in everyone around me started throwing up like crazy. I apparently have a stomach of steel, cause I was just chillin reading my scriptures for 4 hours. Then I took a tricey to our area, and met my companion. For the record, I traveled almost completely alone and I made it here with all my stuff. #adulting

4. The work has been amazing! The people here are amazing, Heavenly Father is preparing them to hear the gospel. :) My Tagalog is coming a long way, because the sisters I live with choose to speak Tagalog. I am very grateful for this, cause it forces me to speak Tagalog too. My district might be my favorite yet! They are all Filipino except one Elder who is from Arkansas. Haha! #notfromutah #represent

I am great over here! Zone conference is tomorrow, so I will get my packages then. :)

Anyway, have a great week guys! I love you so dearly! <3

-Sister Dugger

My bestie Sis Edna threw me a going away party. I am going to miss her so much, I left Bulan before she could be baptized. :( We ate sweet spagetti, sio pao, and ice cream cause she knows those are my favorites. :) I told her I'm going to try to come back to the Philippines to visit her.

Me attempting to talk to a caribou.
Kabahays (housemates)