Monday, February 4, 2019

Packages Arrived!


First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MAIN MAN!!!!!! HAPPY 16!! I have literally been telling everyone my baby sister is turning 16 for like 3 weeks! Unfortunately I am busier than I've ever been, I hardly have time to write in my journal. It's crazy! I am really happy though, opening an area is all sorts of exciting. #hoursoftracting I would like Mary to know that there is McDonald's here, and I just ate it for lunch in honor of her. Haha!

I got all 4 boxes all at once, everyone at zone conference was pretty shook! Haha! You are so sweet, my companion was very grateful for her package as well. Filipinos LOVE fruit snacks, they don't exist here. I am obsessed with body scrubs and stuff right now, maybe cause I've decided I might never wear make up again. Thank you for not sending me a ton of food, the trail mix is sobrang masarap (super delicious)! Salamat (thank you)! And of course beef jerky is life.

I got described as "matangkad" Or tall this week. Yep I'm serious, my life is complete.

Highlights of my week.
Zone conference! Always amazing!

Tracting by the Ocean! <3

We have been working really hard, and we found and taught a few families this week, which is a huge victory! 

Here's one tender moment I had this week.
The RS Pres. is in her early 60s probably, her husband died 4 years ago, and she works full time. She is one of the most diligent sister I've ever met. She is seriously the best, her only day off is Sunday and she works with us on sunday. Yeah, we love her. Anyway, she fed us on Wednesday and just like always we shared a message afterward. As we talked with her she opened up about some family struggles. As this sister cried, I hugged her tight and told her to just continue to do whats right. She is a valiant sister, and I love her. I'm grateful that I got to offer support to her, in her times of sorrow.

Anyway, all is well over here. Have a great week! I love you so much. <3

Sister Dugger

We were tracting and this guy had a monkey, it was pretty cool.
Yeah, it's gorgeous here. Especially when it's about to rain, and the ocean is whooshing around and you can feel the wind and the cool mist. It's pretty cold, but amazing! I love it here.
Package madness

She loved her packages!
Catanduanes Zone
Even though Elder Anthony bombed it, this is a cute pic of us sisters.
I love my companion!!!
Dinner appointment! The sister to the far right is the Relief Society president, and the sister to the far left is the branch president's wife.