Monday, February 25, 2019

Another Week In The Life ;)

Hello my dear family!

I have a bunch of pictures, cause I wasn't really able to email last week.....sorry.

Service project! we washed laundry for this family. It was super fun!
We are teaching this really big family, they are awesome. They're daughter Mikalynn, is progressing, she is 17 AND she accepted a baptism date at the end of March. She has an amazing testimony and she always shows me her study journal, which she made all by herself. She reads the scriptures and writes her thoughts.

We also had 3 less active families come to church and 2 individuals! Which obviously was awesome. Reactivating honestly feels about the same as baptizing. It's the best, cause we can baptize all we want but if we can't retain members we might as well not baptize.

We also had district activity by the ocean, it was low tide and I found a bunch of shells! I don't have pics of the shells, sayang.

These are the 2 Filipina sisters who live with us. They are so sweet! Our district leader took this pic, and I officially trust him with all picture taking. 

My favorite food! It's called dilis, and it's these tiny salted fish that are also dried. They are so good with spicy suka (Filipino vinegar). <3

The elders found this little bird that was hardly still alive, and it died so we had a funeral. My favorite part is when Elder Antonio says, "I'll see you in the spirit world." Haha Good times.

Drinking fresh buko that was just cut out of the tree! #islandlife That white part is really soft and sweet. :)


Thanks! I love you guys! Have a great week. <3

Sister Dugger