Monday, December 10, 2018

I Got The Package!

I GOT THE PACKAGE!!!! the one where she shopped for you! My excitement was through the roof! Hallelujah for Cheez-its. This may sound funny, but the thing I was most happy about were the letters. I loved Lulu's picture, I did notice however that she drew us the same height. Haha! It brightened my day, and week. Thank you dearly, I know you guys are busy.

I am happy, I am really learning how to deal with stress, and trust the Lord. It's not easy, but I'm working on it all the time. :)
I also have some great pictures this week, so that's awesome!

I am including a picture with Nanay Edna, she is an investigator of ours. She doesn't have a baptism date yet, but she knows the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It is so wonderful to watch people find truth in things that are so new to them. She is so sweet and always gives us hugs. :) Even though it's hard for us to communicate, I love her.

I have a copy of that new study guide for families, and I know it is a gift from God. Just looking at the art inside, warms my heart and makes me feel closer to the Savior. I am so grateful for our family, I know Heavenly Father has blessings for you guys we've never seen before. I pray that you take that manual seriously, and follow the Prophet with your whole hearts. :) 

The work is going well, we just keep doing our best. I love you guys! I also love Henry, even though I haven't met him yet.  
Have an great week! Thank you for your prayers. :)

Sister Dugger

We had a little going away party for Sister Ieremia, she is one of my best friends. She goes home later today, and we had a going away party for her.We ate mac and cheese(made by me), pancit, and lumpia. :) All part of a healthy meal. Haha!

Our feast, and our christmas tree! Isn't it cute!

Nanay Edna
Sis Calianga and I :)