Monday, November 26, 2018

Awesome Week

Wow! Yeah, we had an awesome week. It's always kinda hard to know where to

Okay, so we had this huge conference with Elder Smutchz. He's our
area 70. He is awesome! He was the mission Pres. in Cebu, when Bro and Sis
Anderson were there! Small world! Anyway, our district got chosen to do the
musical number....again. Haha! Heavenly Father loves making me sing in
front of people. Anyway, when it was over Elder Smutchz said, "Where's that
sister from Oklahoma? Oh Sister Dugger, you fit right in here. Your the
same size as all the Filipinos." It was pretty funny. It's gonna feel weird
being around tall people when I get home. :)

I had a pretty powerful experience during personal study, and I learned a
lot about the Spirit World and life after this one. I was studying D+C 138,
which is amazing you should check it out for sure. Anyway, I found out that
after the death of the Savior, Peter (who I love almost as much as Moses,
he's for sure one of my heros) went and preached the Gospel in Asia! It
feels really amazing to have something in common with one of the original
Apostles. It's so powerful to get to be part of something so big and
wonderful, the gathering of scattered Israel is hastening.

Also, light the World is starting really soon! Which we are super excited
about, and the Lord's change to the Sunday schedule will be happening soon!
I have a challenge for you guys, and it will be sent to you in postcard
form today. :)

I love you guys! Keep being amazing!

-Sister Dugger