Friday, July 27, 2018

Last Week

Hello all!

This is my last week at the MTC, I fly out on Wednesday! It's crazy how time goes by so fast, but so slow at the same time. That probably doesn't make sense, but it's totoo. It feels crazy that I'm actually going to leave, I sort of feel like I did when I first left for my mission. Like I'm not quite ready, but I'm still excited. Also, I have a SUPER long flight and an 8 hour layover, so if anyone has any advice I would love to hear it. I will probably be bored either way, but I would love to hear any creative ideas so I don't lose my mind. :)

I have been thinking a lot about pananampalataya (faith) this week. In case I forgot to tell you, it's so hard to get into the Philippines right now. Because of this, some missionaries are getting reassigned for a transfer. Not permanently, but just for about six weeks. Anyway, all of us have been expecting this for a while, so we have been trying to prepare ourselves. Once I had my peace with the idea of getting reassigned, I found out yesterday that I wont be! I will be going to the Philippines on the 1st. I know that sometimes it's hard to have faith in the Lord's plan, but he always knows what's best for me. I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of my needs, and I know he guides my life.

Also, we do this thing where we teach a member in Tagalog. We have our people we teach, and then once a week we share a spiritual thought with a member, it's called TRC. Last week for TRC we skyped someone in the Philippines! We were so scared, because our Tagalog is questionable, but it went super well. We talked about times when we felt the Spirit in our lives, and read D+C 11:12-13. I really do know that Heavenly Father still speaks to his children today. There have been times in my life when I needed comfort and peace, and I know that through reading Ang Aklat Ni Mormon I feel the Espiritu Santo. When I pray, I am also filled with the magmahal ng Diyos. I know that anyone can feel these same things, if they seek them out. :)

I am happy, all is well, and I'm excited to go to the Philippines! I know that's where God needs me.

Have a good week!

-Sister Dugger

Silly pictures during exercise time at the MTC in Provo, UT.