Monday, October 22, 2018

P-day & District Activity

 Emma has not had the time to make a mass email lately, as the internet is not so great where she is and she only has an hour at the internet cafe. She asked me to let you all know she doesn't have time right now to send mass emails. I will include pictures and upload the parts of her emails that are not family specific. Thank you all for your encouragement that you send to her.  She mentioned in her last email that mail is starting to get through, so if anyone wants to send a regular letter, she would love to hear from you. Her address is here on the blog, in the side column. Please remember to not send ANY currency to her. ~April

Hey Fam,

P-day.......sometimes. There isn't a ton of interesting stuff in my area honestly, so not really. We got halo-halo one week! It was delicious, I got a picture but my camera got wiped...almost everything got backed up, but not that. :(
I honestly just like cleaning, shopping, and chillin on P-day, sometimes we'll ukay-ukay, but nothing super exciting.

We went down to the beach for district activity! It was super fun! I will include pictures. :)
Overall we had a good week, a lot of tracting. We are working hard to find new people to teach, and that is exhausting. I fell asleep at my study desk Wednesday night. Haha! Sister Estacio had to wake me up. Oops...
On Tuesday, we had exchanges with the STL's. I was very stressed about this, because I had to lead the area and my sense of direction isn't super great. All went well though, and I was really proud of myself. Sometimes, I really doubt my ability, but I cannot doubt the power of Heavenly Father and His message. I am getting more used to talking to people all the time, which is sometimes kinda scary. I have learned that whether we teach a lot of lessons or not, if I did my best I am happy at the end of the day. :)
I truly love this work, I love these people, I am eternally grateful for my call to serve. Sometimes things get really hard, but I testify that all things are possible through Jesus Christ.

Have a good week! Mahal kita! 
Sister Dugger