Monday, October 8, 2018



We are at a different computer shop today, and everything works! Hallelujah! :) I will be able to send pics! YAY!

I love you guys like crazy! Keep being amazing and faithful. <3

We had a missionary fireside on Saturday with the branch, it was super fun! We just talked about the importance of member missionary work with the Elders. It went really well! I had this idea beforehand, for a way for them to act on our message, we started a hashtag. #comeandsee and then a question. We made little posters, and then took pictures for the members to post. I was worried they wouldn't be into it, but it was super fun! I know Heavenly Father knows how to help the members even when I don't. I truly believe that when we do our best, He makes up the difference. :)

We have also been working to help the members have family home evening. It has been super fun! :) Tonight we are having it with this amazing investigator family. I am super excited, we invited some of the members and I feel like it's going to go super well.

I have a scripture that really touched my heart during personal study this week 1 Nephi 20:18 ~ "O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments-then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea." I love it cause it's so short, but so visual at the same time. Beautiful, I literally marked it in gold, it might be my favorite. There is peace and power in keeping the commandments.

Have a good week!
Sister Dugger

Brother Roden's Baptism~ with his Mom and President Buntigao

We have been teaching Brother Roden since I got here.