Monday, October 29, 2018

Puppy News & Becoming a Trainer


Okay, I'm so shook! Wow!!! I'm so glad he loves you so much! Is he already potty trained? He is ridiculously cute! I just wanna snuggle him! <3

Everything is good! I completed my training, only to find out Heavenly Father needs me to train. Usually you get someone who follows you up, for the transfer after your training......but nope, not me. I will meet her Wednesday, I am both excited out of my mind and terrified! I know that Heavenly Father will give me whatever strength/gifts I need, to lead our area and train this new sister.

I am good! I sent a postcard to your address for Spencer and another for Drake, I know they don't live with you, but could you please get them to them. I want them to know I want them to know they have been on my mind during their birthdays. I also am send a postcard every week for you guys. Also, the package you sent for my companion for christmas, will go to my trainee. So thats cool. :)

All is well I love you guys so much! I don't have any pictures. :( Sorry po.

Sister Dugger