Monday, July 22, 2019

Another Week In Ligao

We had just a good ol week here in Ligao :)

We had branch conference and President and Sister Abraham came. That was the first time I saw them face to face, they are so sweet! Pres. did that things where he shook my hand and looked into my soul. I am really so excited about his vision, right now he wants us to focus on really learning doctrine. He wants us to be able to teach pure doctrine very clearly. Which reminds me of a quote from the Bible that's been on my mind so much lately. Jesus told His disciples (which totally 100% applies to us, cause that's what we agreed to at baptism) He said, "Be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." That thought has been in my mind a lot, and how I can really apply that. :)

I had some pictures, but the USB won't read it, week. :)

Something I've kinda been struggling with is there's this really amazing family who I love so dearly. They are so faithful, and they also struggle really bad financially, some of the worst I've seen. It breaks my heart. It also makes me feel like a rich spoiled white kid, which I've never felt in my life. I wish more than anything I could just give them the world, they are the sweetest kids I've ever met. Anyway, that tears my heart out every time I go there.

I'm doing good! Really excited for Zone Conference on tuesday. :)

Sister Dugger