Monday, April 8, 2019

Happy Sunday

Okay, much has happened. Saan ba ako dapat magsimula....

Brother J got baptized! It was a wonderful service.

We had exchanges with the sisters in San Andres, which was really fun. :) I got to work with sister Ramiro, and she is wonderful. She is training a new missionary right now, even though she just finished training. While we were planning, I found out she saved all the lessons she was nervous about for me. Haha! It was exciting, I got to teach law of chastity twice. It was a good teaching moment, we talked about how you don't have to be shy when teaching commandments, cause it's the will of God. :) One of the people we taught, had read the pamphlet before the lesson so he was prepared. I asked him about his thoughts, and he told me he had no idea that was a sin. He then went on to express the great sorrow in his heart, so we also got to teach repentance and the power of the atonement. I also got to attend their district council, which was nice. I will include the picture I took with her. :)

Oh! We also gave this Priest a copy of, "Come Follow Me." I felt like President Nelson with the Pope, it was really special.

Have a good week :)

-Sister Dugger

District Activity at the beach.
Delivering Come, Follow Me to the Catholic Priest.
Apparently dwarfs live in these little mud hill things. Sister Marzan said so.... apparently over time they'll get bigger.

Brother J's baptism.