Monday, March 25, 2019

wala akong pictures kasi tamad ako......sorry


We had a pretty great week! There isn't a lot to share that is out of the ordinary, sorry.

We have been preparing our friend J to enter the waters of baptism. His girlfriend is already a member, and he's been going to church consistently for a long time. Anyway my companion had the impression to teach him, even though he wasn't part of our plan. As we began to teach him the spirit was so strong, and so we extended a baptism date to him, and he accepted. Then a couple days later, he told us that that day while he was sitting in church he was wondering how he could be baptized....and then we approached him and asked is we could share. Then we extended and he was surprised and happy!

I asked a sister who doesn't come often, what she thinks Heavenly Father's plan for her is, and she teared up as she answered. She said to me, I think I need to be teaching my boys the gospel. You can pray for her cause her husbands a member, but he works in Manila so she hardly ever sees him.

Have a great week guys! I love you!

Sister Dugger