Monday, March 11, 2019

Huwag Tayo Sumuko


Thats my new motto, it means don't give up. :)

This has been quite a week. Thanks to our prayers Sister A and Sis M, both passed their baptismal interviews and will be baptized this week on the 16th! We have also been practice teaching with them, because they both wanna serve missions! I think the Elders and us are going to start a mission prep class, and an English class. English, because so many Filipinos are betting called to other nations. We are really excited!

Okay, so because our friends are getting baptized, Sister Marzan and I have been working to find new friends and helping old friends progress. :)

We tracted into this one sister who turned out to be a less active sister, so that was a miracle! We have been helping her re kindle her faith, and this week she came with us to teach one of her neighbors.

More than anything, I have noticed how Heavenly Fathers time table is perfect. Halimbawa, Sister A and Sister M are both 17 year old girls, they are both former investigators that we picked back up. Neither one of them were ready in the past, but I really believe they needed to be baptized at the same time to keep each other strong. Amazing.

I actually have a ton of great pictures, but I forgot my flashdrive so next week na lang. (I ate chicken feet hehe) 

Have a great week! I love you guys!

Sister Dugger