Monday, December 31, 2018

Curfews, Cleaning, & Being Fed Until I Thought I Was Going To Explode

If I was going to title this week it would be, "Curfews, Cleaning, and being fed till I thought I was going to explode."

Wow! Yeah, it has definitely been flooding! Haha! I was dying to go out and see it actually! The okie in my was super chill though. #stormchaser

Monday, December 17, 2018

Emma's Chicken Gizzards

My pal Sis Edna has a baptism date now! She's been coming to church and she knows it's true. She even invited us to teach one of her neighbors, then when her neighbor wouldn't go to church she walked over to her house and tried to convince her. She is so sassy, you would love her. It has been truly amazing watching her countenance change as she has accepted truth, she has to take a huge leap of faith. I am so excited for her!

Monday, December 10, 2018

I Got The Package!

I GOT THE PACKAGE!!!! the one where she shopped for you! My excitement was through the roof! Hallelujah for Cheez-its. This may sound funny, but the thing I was most happy about were the letters. I loved Lulu's picture, I did notice however that she drew us the same height. Haha! It brightened my day, and week. Thank you dearly, I know you guys are busy.

Monday, December 3, 2018

The Beach

Hey mama!

The pictures are very cute! There is a 99% chance I will get the box tomorrow, because we have a meeting for all the trainers in Legazpi, I am SO excited! Please don't sweat it when they take a long time, I understand. :)