Monday, May 20, 2019

My Birthday Week

This week has been EXTREMELY hot. I have never sweated so much in my life. It's always attractive to tract when you have sweat dripping down your face.......Welcome to summer in the Philippines. With all that said, it's been an amazing week!

The other sisters have been teaching this one sister for a couple of months. Last week she got married and baptized. :) I got to do her hair for her wedding, and my companion did her makeup, she made her wedding dress. She looked so pretty! I actually have braided a ton of sisters hair here, but I've never done it for a wedding so that was a first. :)

We surprised my companion on her birthday! :) We had exchanges that day, so we weren't together. The other sister worked her late so we had time to buy McDonald's, and put up the banner I made for her. :) Then we couldn't find cake, so the other sisters bought her a cake the next day. It was fun.

My birthday was pretty good!  God's hand really is in this work. Miracles don't always turn into baptisms, but we see them all the time. This really is the Lord's work.

Anyway that's been my week. I love you guys! Have a great week <3

Sister Dugger