Monday, June 17, 2019

Happy Father's Day!


This has been a very busy and exciting week, full of sweating, walking, and sharing the gospel.

Tons of people are getting sick right now, fever and chills type stuff. SO this week I ate a ton of fruit, and had more energy then I have my whole mission. Also, I feel great so that's good wala pa akong sakit.

Rumor has it that rainy season won't start this year until August, so we will keep enduring. It's SO hot, but fantastic.

We met an amazing woman named Jenise, she has such great faith. She is so kind and receptive to the message of the restored Gospel, we'll see I feel hopeful about her. :)

Anyway, it was a good week. I am doing good. This week we have our last Zone conference with Pres. Kotter before they go home. :'( I am excited, but it also hurts my heart to be honestly.

Happy day, all is well. <3

Sister Dugger

Pics from district activity. We hiked this extremely steep hill thing, and then hung out and ate food at
the top:

This little guy was hiding in a washing machine and I thought it was cute!