Monday, January 28, 2019

I Made It To Catanduanes!

Wow! So much has changed!

1. My companion is awesome! I love her, she's from Manila. :) She does speak English, but I try not to use English. She is an amazing cook, so I'm lucky. I also might get fat this transfer. Sayang. She is 25, and a really great example to me, I have already learned so much from her.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Transfer News & Pictures

Wow. I made a video, but transfer news came in! The Lord still has a lot for me to do.

This was great week, our investigators and members are pretty shook that I'm leaving Bulan, even though I've been here for 4 transfers. Needless to say, I'm gonna miss these people a lot, I feels a little like I'm leaving home all over again. BUT I am out of my mind excited for my new area, I wanted to serve on one of the Islands SO bad!!!! YAY!!