Monday, June 17, 2019

Happy Father's Day!


This has been a very busy and exciting week, full of sweating, walking, and sharing the gospel.

Tons of people are getting sick right now, fever and chills type stuff. SO this week I ate a ton of fruit, and had more energy then I have my whole mission. Also, I feel great so that's good wala pa akong sakit.

Rumor has it that rainy season won't start this year until August, so we will keep enduring. It's SO hot, but fantastic.

Monday, June 10, 2019


I burned myself making fried bananas #illumanaticonfirmed

Me, trying to make my companion a birthday cake. (She has no oven)

Eating fried bananas with my BFF!

Monday, June 3, 2019

Hello, From Ligao!

Hello from Ligao my friends!

Ligao is great! It is substantially less hot here, and we have air conditioning!!!!! (hallelujah)

Sister Thomas is amazing! I'm actually having the time of my life here, and the two sisters who live are awesome. Right now I'm focusing all my efforts on helping sister Thomas learn Tagalog, I know exactly how she feels where you have so much you want to share deep in your heart, but getting it out of your mouth is not yet possible. She also has a really thick accent, so we've been working super hard in language study and while we're walking. Which reminds me, our areas are FAR and there's very few we walk a lot....

I was a little nervous about having a companion who wasn't a filippino, but I have marveled at the hand of God. He really does qualify those he calls, cause even though we're both foreigners people just keep opening up to us.  I'll meet someone for the first time, and they'll totally open up to us about their struggles and problems. The branch has been so quick to embrace me they are wonderful, they are pretty close to becoming a ward so that's exciting. We are working with a lot of part members, which is super nice and very new for me.

I was reading Elder Uchdorf's talk earlier, the one he gave last October. "Believe, Love, Do" I just felt very touched by it. I love reading conference talks cause I can here their voices in my head sometimes. (Here is the link if anyone is interested

This place is so beautiful with the rice fields and then the volcano in the background.

Until next week!

Sister Dugger